
Archive for the ‘Shouldn't you be at the Hague?’ Category

We’ve written a lot about Fox News and their extremely questionable news judgment, but a story from the most recent news cycle makes us want to jump back into the fray. Disgraced and disastrous former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld took a quick break from retirement on Wednesday to call Barack Obama a liar. Yes, it’s quite the charge from the man whose DoD covered up the Pat Tillman fratricide and orchestrated the Jessica Lynch “rescue.”

So what’s the scoop? Let’s head on over to CNN’s Political Ticker for the nuts and bolts, shall we?

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld criticized President Obama’s assertion Tuesday that the Bush administration ignored requests for more troops to battle the Taliban, declaring the president’s remark made during his address on Afghanistan a “bald misstatement.”

Rumsfeld said Wednesday that during his time as Bush’s Secretary of Defense, he was “not aware of a single request of that nature.”


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